Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hello April

Hello April.
I have been very lucky I must say, 
I am not a fan of snow or cold weather. 
and after spending a year and a half in Texas I was a little worried.
But God loves me and we have only had one major snow storm and it just happened to be on Christmas Eve. 
April is going to be a busy moth for me.
The weather is beautiful and school is ending. 
I am starting a new job (Which I am kinda freaking out about) 
My little brother is getting married. 
Im moving to Provo
Im going to be dedicated to blogging.. 
Yes you heard it right, I'm going to be social again 
I need some feed back from my readers.. 
What do y'all wanna me to talk about?
what do you guys care about? 
I need your help! comment or email me! I want to know! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015



Because HE lives we can call out, reach out or cry out and HE is here. 
Then, Now, ALWAYS. 
Find him.

Because HE lives we will always have a teacher, example, friend and brother.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Only God

This week is a very special week. 
We that the week before Easter, and General Conference is this weekend. 
We should all prepare to receive revelation. 
Through our Prophet and his Apostles we can learn how to better our life. 
We can find peace and comfort. 
We can learn how to gain a testimony by over coming our trials. 
We Must Do Our Part. 

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This Weeks Play list.

Music is one thing that helps me feel happy. 
Today Imagine Dragons album comes out I am pretty excited about this. 
This is some of my favorite songs this week.

(Really anything Misterwives is amazing)

Those are a few of my favorite songs. If yall have Spotify My some of my favorite play list are,
Vampire Diaries favorites by Joyce Nijhuis
The Indie Mix. by Spotify
New Music Tuesday by Spotify
If you have an awesome playlist or song comment and let me know! 
I love finding new music or playlist.
and follow me on Spotify. s

Monday, February 16, 2015

Presidents Day

Presidents Day. 
What does this mean to you? 
Is it a extra 10% off at Jcpenny's or a day off school or work?
Sometime I feel we forget about the true meaning of Presidents Day.
 We get to choose the President, We have the right to choose.. how awesome is that? 
There are country all over the world who could only dream of choosing someone to lead their country.
Today we get to celebrate those men who lead us.  
I often think of Gorge Washington  how he and others had a dream to be free and fought for that right.
 Abraham Lincoln how he love everyone and ended slavery. 
Ronald Reagan and his effort to end the Cold War.
 I feel that Presidents day goes a little bit deeper then just the men who are elected. 
We wouldn't have presidents with out the freedom that was fought for 200+ years ago.
Those men and women who left a country and home to move to a place they had never been to or even heard of. 
The hardships they went through to have freedom. That hard work gave me and you the right to vote.
Yes 200+ years later we have freedom to choose who leads us. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

What's your Strengths

What's up friends?
I am truly sorry about the lack of posts on my blog. 
Who knew life could get so busy between school, work and just normal life.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the word Strength.
What is Strength? How can I obtain Strength? Do I need strength?
So many questions.. 

So I wanna talk a little bit about what strength means to me and what my strengths are. 
Just like everyone on this planet we all have good and bad days. 
We all need strength to endure that bad days as well as the good. 

Something I have been learning about is our personal strengths. 
Recently I took a strengths test. (I would advise everyone to take one)
It asks you about 100 questions, and then gives you your 5 strengths in order.
(I took mine here)
My results were,


For those of you who know me these were pretty spot on.

Communication is my top strength.
 My Strength test said the following,
You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public and to write. ok so thats a pretty good desripcion about me. I have never been afraid to speak in public.
Communication is really important to me. I love being able to have people understand me and understand people. Communication is essential to all my relationships.

My second Strength is WOO.
WOO stands Winning Others Over. You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people.
You want to learn their names, ask them questions, and find some area of  common interest so that you can strike up a conversation and build rapport. You never fear of running out of things to say, you rarely are at a loss for words. In your world there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet.

Positivity is my third strength.
You are generous with praise, quick to smile, and always on the lookout for the positive in the situation. You find ways to make everything more excited and more vital. You feel its good to be alive, that work can be fun and that no matter what the setbacks, one must never lose one's sense of humor.

Strategic is my fourth strength.
Strategic is not a skill that can be taught. It is a distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at large. you are always asking what if this happened. You discard the path that leads to fog of confusion. You are always planning for the future.

Activator is my fifth strength.
When can we start? You are impatient for action. Only action leads to to performance. you make a decision, you take action, you look at the result, and you learn. Once you make a decision you immediately make plans to accomplish it.

The world needs your strengths.
So use them.
Don't be ashamed of what God has given you. There is a reason why we all have different strengths.
So let you light so shine!
But most importantly BE YOU!

Friday, January 23, 2015

City Life

A city is not gauged by its length and width, but by the broadness of its vision and the height of its dreams.
Herb Caen




Monday, January 19, 2015

Do what you LOVE and LOVE what you do

So many of you know I'm a Social Media Junkie... 
I love being connected with people who are thousands of miles away. 
I love seeing/hearing people's ideas and story's.

 When I came home form my mission I thought a lot about what I wanted to do with my life.
Many things came to mind,  Business, Social Work,  Hospitality but nothing thing really felt like me.
I felt like I was missing something, I didn't know if these career paths would lead me to happiness.
I had heard a certain quote all growing up. "Do what you love and love what you do." 
simple as that right? nah bro not that simple. 

So one day I was randomly looking at schools and what majors they offered. 
My brother was currently attending LDSBC. 
I had never considered going to a business college but as I was looking at what they offered I saw a new major. 
Social Media Marketing. 

LIKE WHAT THE HECK my prayer have been answered. It was like manna from heaven. 
I looked at the objective and researched some of the classes and felt like this is what I'm suppose to study. 

It sounds crazy to be studying Social Media but, here I am doing it. 
I'm doing what I love. I'm beyond excited about the things I'm going to be learning. 
So this blog is gonna be my journey.
I'm going to experimenting the things I learn here. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Twenty Fifteen

So here I am starting a blog...
I have been thinking about starting on for a while now, and well its a new year and I'm starting a new chapter of my life Perfect excuse right? 

We are 3 almost 4 days into 2015,
And well since this week has been so crazy (in a good way). 
I finally made some goals for the new year.

I have a few tips that work for me.
WRITE THEM DOWN! when you write something down you remember it.
Post it somewhere you will always see it. currently my goals are my background on my phone. I am always on my phone, i am always looking at them. 
and finally track your progress. If you aren't doing so hot don't give up start over and try again.

1. Read patriarchal blessing once a week.
For me this goal is really important because I can be guided by God in all aspects of my life. 

2. Run 5 days a week and implement clean eating.
being healthy is not just to look good in a swimming suit even though that is what we all want right?
 It's a proven fact that when your healthy your happy.

3. Scripture Study 15 Min's in the AM and 15 in the PM.
I'm a sucker for LDS books I'm currently reading Power to become by David A, Bednar and ITS AMAZING everyone should read it BUT....  I want make sure I get my Scripture time in. I cant even begin to describe all the revelation and comfort I have received by simply reading for a few min's everyday. The scriptures are the word of god and he speaks to us through them. 

4. Save my Money.
For those of you who know me know I'm a recovering shopaholic. I love clothes, shoes, make up and    pretty much everything else a girl can love. For that I need to stop the swiping and start saving. 

5. Post on my blog once a week
I want to post the things I love. I love to share my great finds or favorite quotes, but i don't want my facebook peeps to kill me because of my post. (we all are sick of the people that post 5+ times a day)
so ill just do it here. if you wanna read then do it! If not then don't.

6. Thrive at School
Who doesn't want to be smart? I mean I know in Junior High it wasn't it wasn't cool to be smart but now its cool. Good grades = Great job.