Monday, February 16, 2015

Presidents Day

Presidents Day. 
What does this mean to you? 
Is it a extra 10% off at Jcpenny's or a day off school or work?
Sometime I feel we forget about the true meaning of Presidents Day.
 We get to choose the President, We have the right to choose.. how awesome is that? 
There are country all over the world who could only dream of choosing someone to lead their country.
Today we get to celebrate those men who lead us.  
I often think of Gorge Washington  how he and others had a dream to be free and fought for that right.
 Abraham Lincoln how he love everyone and ended slavery. 
Ronald Reagan and his effort to end the Cold War.
 I feel that Presidents day goes a little bit deeper then just the men who are elected. 
We wouldn't have presidents with out the freedom that was fought for 200+ years ago.
Those men and women who left a country and home to move to a place they had never been to or even heard of. 
The hardships they went through to have freedom. That hard work gave me and you the right to vote.
Yes 200+ years later we have freedom to choose who leads us. 

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